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SNES Emulator + All Roms SNES Emulator + All Roms Beliebt

Like other emulator for nes, gba, psp , psx, gbc, mame, arcade, n64... This is emulator for SNES.

SNES Emulator + roms is the best android emulator SNES to run all games in your devices!
This app is able to run all kinds of snes & nes games.

SNES EMU is the best emulator of gba with a high compatibility with the all roms and an incredible screen layout.
know how to play SNES Emulator - roms is actually easy, you will discover it once you download Our amazing SNES Emulator

Free and advanced games for boys emulator for SNES - Super NES. Many options and fast emulation speed for my boy games.
The best games for boys emulator with a high compatibility of games for boys and an incredible screen layout of my boy games.

Android emulator snes - Fire edition works games written for SNES NES roms handheld consoles. It also emulates addons, such as tilt sensors, vibration packs, printers and cheat devices.

No game is included in this app and you must get yours legally. Put them on your SD card and access them from the application.

Erstelldatum 28.04.2019
Änderungsdatum 28.04.2019
Version v1.1
Dateigröße 31,2M
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Android
Downloads 253
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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