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Download details

Android Multitool Android Multitool Beliebt


  1. Windows OS XP / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  2. Installed Java on Windows
  3. Installed Microsoft Powerpacks
  4. Installed .NET framework


  • Easy handling: Select your apk and push the "decompile" button!
  • This tool makes modding much faster and easier, no cmd handling any more.
  • You can read the log which is integrated in the tool to find your mistake in the error.
  • ADB inside: Push files into your file system with a few clicks

Well, first extract the AndroidMultitool folder to C:. Otherwise it probably won´t work

  • copy your framework-res.apk in the Framework-Files folder and other files you want to mod in the "Files" folder (this folder is for all your files you want to mod, don't pick files from any other location)
  • Next you have to start AndroidMultitool.exe
  • select your framework-res.apk and push the "install" button (check log for errors)

    Decompiling and recompiling apk files:

    -select the apk you want to mod/decompile and push the "decompile" button (check log for errors)
    Note: You can check the "use baksmali" checkbox, then e.g. the useless .line text will be removed
    -your decompiled apk will be located in C:AndroidMultitoolDecompiled_apk"apkname" as a folder
    -if you want to compile your apk again, select your decompiled folder, check the "apk" radio button and compile it again (check log for errors)

    -your recompiled apk will be located in C:AndroidMultitoolCompiled_apk"apkname"

    Decompiling and recompiling jar files:

    -select in the combobox ".jar" (check the "use baksmali" checkbox for deleting the useless .line comments)
    -select the ".jar" file you want to mod
    -push the "decompile" button
    -your decompiled jar file will be locaten in C:AndroidMultitoolDecompiled_jar"jarname"
    -for recompiling you have to check the "jar" radiobutton and select the folder within your decompiled ".jar" file
    -push the compile button
    -your compiled jar file will be located in C:AndroidMultitoolCompiled_jar"jarname"classes. dex
    -delete the "classes.dex" file in your ".jar" file
    -copy the new "classes.dex" file you compiled in the ".jar" file

    Signing apk files:

    -select the ".apk" you want to sign
    -push the "sign" button
    -the signed apk file is located in C:AndroidMultitoolSigned_apk"apkname_signed"

    Using tags:

    You want to decompile many files from different devices or different android versions / frameworks? Tagging makes it possible!
    - before installing your framework type in any tag (like "hero")
    - then install your framework and work normally

    Android Debug Bridge

    You want to push files with adb to your device? Follow these instructions:
    Please klick on the "advanced" register in the tool
    -push "check" to control if your device is ready
    -if the device is not ready please follow the instructions, which are listed in the tool (device offline, no device...)
    -if the device is ready, choose a file you want to push
    -choose a path on the device, where the file should be placed later
    -push the "push" Button
    -alternately: press "Reboot device" to reboot your device and to let changes take effect



updated build tools and platform-tools (aapt, adb and needed dll's)
updated 7za, apktool, smali and baksmali to latest version
added bovirus's batch version to the main directory (users can choose between gui and batch now)
added a folder (Framework-Files) for the framework-res.apk (only use this folder for the framework files from now on)
added a Help folder with all commands

updated build tools and platform-tools (aapt, adb and needed dll's)
updated apktool, smali and baksmali to latest version

updated build tools and platform-tools (aapt, adb and needed dll's)
updated apktool, smali and baksmali to latest version

fix progressbar not disappearing after decompiling
fix loop after/while compiling
save compiling path and jump into it when he starts folder browsing
update user interface

fix infinite loop on compiling when errors appeared
folderbrowserdialog (compiling): jump into /decompiled_apk default
update build tools and platform-tools (aapt, adb and needed dll's)

Erstelldatum 20.10.2018
Änderungsdatum 20.10.2018
Version v3.5.9
Dateigröße 25.35 MB
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Windows
Downloads 250
Lizenz GNU/GPL external
Webseite Webseite external

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