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zAnti zAnti Beliebt

zAnti is not just a simple network sniffer, it is a complete penetration testing tool for your Android device. You can do complete network testing and a whole lot of other tests with a simple tap on a button. Some of the things you can do with zAnti include but not limited to modifying HTTP requests and responses, exploiting routers, hijacking HTTP sessions, changing MAC address, checking target device for vulnerabilities, etc. Apart from that, zAnti can also find security gaps within your existing network and gives you detailed reports on how to fortify the defenses to protect your network from possible attacks.

Being a complete penetration testing tool that is specifically designed for professionals and businesses in mind, zAnti needs root access to work. Moreover, for most of the advanced features of zAnti to work, the app will change a few SELinux configuration settings and also puts your device into permissive mode. So, if you chose to go with zAnti, I would recommend that you use a dedicated device that is separate from your work or personal device.

Erstelldatum 28.09.2018
Änderungsdatum 01.05.2019
Version 3.18
Dateigröße 24,48 MB
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Siehe Beschreibung
Downloads 188
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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