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 Dream TV Dream TV Beliebt

Dream tv is yet another terrarium tv clone and has been on the scene for a couple of weeks now. On testing, i find this apk very similar to cyberflix tv.
This android apk offers the ability to be able to watch movies and tv shows old and new. The apk scrapes the internet for the sources and allows the user to watch our movie or tv show.

When testing the apk the links seems to scrape fast maybe just a little slower than apk,s such as cinema but I’m sure this will get better with further updates.

As of writing the apk is 100% ad-free so this a bonus and it means 99% of the time if we have an update we should have no need to uninstall because the update should override old versions with each update.
We are also able to add and use subtitles with this movie and tv apk. As far as I know, there is no chrome cast support just yet but it is coming to the apk soon in future versions. I find with this apk we are best to use the MX player which seems to work very well and is now the default player to choose. I was searching for some old movies such as home alone and the app seems to find plenty of sources and working links. It is always good at pulling in sources from newer titles.

The apk in the settings has the ability and option to use Trakt which is a popular choice for some and also offers Real Debrid for your premium links and services. There’s also an option to save our favorites and with future updates, we are able to back up the favorites within the settings menu .please note you must back up first before your favorites are

Erstelldatum 12.05.2019
Änderungsdatum 12.05.2019
Version v3.2.17
(1 Stimme)
Erstellt von Super User
System Android
Downloads 290
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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