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Download details

Storage Space Premium Storage Space Premium Beliebt

This app is for you if ...
• You are running out of memory storage space and want to clear up some space.
• The manufacturer says your phone has 16/32/64 GB but you want to know how much memory is actually available to you for your apps,music and stuff.

• A simple overview of your storage space clearly showing how much memory is available for your apps and files.
• How many apps are installed and how much space is occupied by apps ? Convenient links for uninstalling apps and clearing the cache and storage occupied by apps.
• How much storage is occupied by your downloads, music and stuff ? A basic file cleaner cum manager is included for deleting and moving files around. Additionally also access cloud locations like gdrive, USB OTG drives and more.
• Home screen widgets
• Wizard for carrying out common tasks

Erstelldatum 08.04.2019
Version v22.0.2 build 2202
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Android
Downloads 161
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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