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AZ Screen Recorder Premium [MOD] AZ Screen Recorder Premium [MOD] Beliebt

AZ Screen Recorder Pro is the best available screen recording app in today’s time. It lets you do whatever you want to record. It is the only app which allows you to Play and Pause which recording screen.

Features of AZ Screen Recorder:

  • Lets you record your videos in HD and Full HD
  • You can directly record audio from the mic and commentate on your recording.
  • It lets you record your HD Gameplays like Asphalt and even commentate on it at the same time.
  • It does not require root access.
  • Watermark is also absent. Make your videos freely.
  • One of the best features is that it has No Ads. Absolute Ad free.
  • You can create tutorial videos and our voice will come directly from the mic.
  • You can even make a promotional video.
  • Commentate on your gameplay and upload them to YouTube.
  • It also got featured at Google Play Home Page and Yahoo News.
Erstelldatum 06.04.2019
Änderungsdatum 06.04.2019
Version v5.1.1
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Android
Downloads 159
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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