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App Cloner Premium [MOD] App Cloner Premium [MOD] Beliebt

Features of App Cloner Premium:

  • App Cloner lets you create and install multiple copies of your pre-installed apps.
  • The apps which got cloned apps will run in parallel and will work independently from their original apps.
  • Cloned apps will not get automatic updates so you can keep and run, a stable version with the original application.
  • Cloning is beneficial for simultaneously using multiple login accounts in applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Skype but the real fun starts when you mess around with an app. App Cloner offers multiple options to tweak the new app copy, apart from changing the app name or icon.
  • For example, you can easily edit widgets or unnecessary permissions, you can disable auto-start, backups or intrusive app defaults.
  • App Cloner can even extend a cloned app to add new functionality such as password protection, incognito mode with secure file deletion and you can lock an app to consume data over Wi-Fi only.
  • Just to let you know, Android Wear watch apps and watch faces can typically also be cloned. Is int it amazing?

What does App Cloner Premium v1.5 Mod Apk has?

  • Use Google Maps in cloned apps
  • Automatically copy expansion files during cloning
  • Make debuggable
  • Can Disable app defaults
  • Disable auto-start
  • Launcher icons can be disabled
  • Create multiple app clones
  • It also Allows/prevent app backups
  • Allow apps to be installed on the external SD-card
  • Facebook Messenger cloning can be done
  • WhatsApp cloning is allowed
  • Clone watch apps or watch faces
  • Save or share cloned apps
  • Exclude app from recent
  • Rotation lock is present
  • App permissions can be removed.
  • Assist app can be made.
Erstelldatum 06.04.2019
Version v1.5
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Android
Downloads 217
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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