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PAGE is a drag-and-drop GUI generator for Python and Tkinter which generates Python modules which display a relatively simple GUI constructed from Tk and ttk widget sets using the Place Geometry Manager. PAGE is a cross platform tool runing on any OS which has Tcl/Tk installed. PAGE output requires only Python and Tkinter and runs on Linux, Unix, Windows, OS X, and even Rasperian.


  • Drag-and-drop GUI generator for Python.
  • PAGE is cross-platform running wherever tcl/tk is installed.
  • Generated Python only requires Python to run.
  • Extensive documentation, tutorial, and examples.
  • Supports most tk and many ttk widgets.
  • Cut-Copy-Paste operations.
  • Graphical editors for menus, notebooks, and panedwindows.
  • Graphical editor for bindings.
  • utf-8 support in GUI


  • The 4.2 release is a major release incorporating an approach to the rework problem.
  • The 4.3 extends the rework support to optionally upgrade an existing support module with Tk variables and skeleton functions newly required as a result of rework.
  • The 4.4 release supports popup or context menus. Also, support for ttk menubuttons has been removed pending more debugging. Finally, support for function definition and editing has been removed;
  • The 4.5 release supports the placement of the GUI at the default location as determined by the window manager.
  • The 4.6 release includes new function. a) Shows generated code in separate console windows. b) Allows loading of consol windows without geberating code. c) Allows the opening of users favorite IDE with saved versions of the generated code.
  • The 4.7 release includes support for binding events to top level windows and reorganizes the generated code for greater clarity and provides variable parameter lists for the init function in the support module using the Python convention of *vargs, **kwargs. Important fixes for Cut, Copy, and Paste and for the TCombobox widget.
  • The 4.8 release includes support for Custom widgets which are widgets for which the Python implementation is left to the user. Python 3 versions of the examples are included. The widgets handles have been enlarged and colored to facilitate selection. Numerous bugs have been fixed.
  • The 4.8.1 release fixes the bug which prevents PAGE from opening in Windows.
  • The 4.8.2 release fixes bug which prevents PAGE opening when a .pagerc file is missing.
  • The 4.8.3 release fixes bug which prevents opening existing project files.
  • The 4.8.4 release fixes bug which interferes with the saving of the support module in certain cases when PAGE should update the support module.
  • The 4.8.5 release fixes font bugs related to the About and the Error windows.
  • The 4.8.6 release fixes a Custom widget bug and has extensively revised documentation.
  • The 4.8.7 release fixes a Custom widget bug, includes modifications to font handling, context menus, Windows installation, and has updated documentation.
  • The 4.8.8 release fixes bugs occurring when .pagerc is missing.
  • The 4.8.9 release fixes a bug which is of interest to Windows users who install PAGE in custom locations where the path name includes blanks. Small changes to the documentation about event bindings. A new example has been added. A change has been made to the menu creation to avoid some confusing error messages.
  • The 4.9 release fixes bug related to state values of a few of widgets. It also improves the Widget Tree by changing the lables to display the class and the alias of the widget.
  • The 4.10 release includes a reuse facility which allows cut from existing projects and paste to the current project. This release also modifies the startup to automatically create the Toplevel widget and expands support for the Canvas widget and adds some checking of identifier syntax. In addition, there is a new custom version of the TNotebook widget which incorporates an icon for closing tabs.
  • The 4.11 release allows one to copy a menu bar from an existing project to the current project. An important addition is the inclusion of a tutorial written by Greg Walters.
  • The 4.12 release fixes several bugs related to placement, cut and paste, and borrowing.
  • The 4.13 release adds a search function to the Python Consols, fixes a syntax coloring problem, adds additional support for utf-8 encoding, and fixes some bugs.
  • The 4.14 release provides function to save the Widget Tree to a file and function to display callback functions. Fixes are also made for copy and paste as well as to relative placement.
  • The 4.15 release improves the use of the Binding Window, improves the display of callback functions, and the automatic saving of the project file. The ttk::separator widget is added and support of custom widgets expanded. Individual widget geometries can now be locked to prevent mouse changes.
  • The 4.16 release fixes an important bug in the support module update feature as well as improving the "Fill Container" function.
  • The 4.17 release displays the locked state of a widget in the Attribute Editor, adds a preference for setting the indentation, expands tabs when updating the support module, fixes a subtle bug with placement within labelframe widgets, and enhances the use of geometric attributes in the Attribute Editor.
  • The 4.18 release enhances the Scrolled widgets to support mousewheel scrolling, changes the style of tkinter imports, adds line numbering to the Python consoles, enables the context menu for Attribute Editor, and fixes bugs.
  • The 4.19 release provides Stash and Apply mechanism for transferring attributes from one widget to others, enables context menus in the Attribute Editor for transferring attributes from one widget to others - :ref:`see the Attribute Editor `, further enhances scrolling of PAGE windows, fixes bugs related to color preferences.
  • The 4.20 release fixes bugs related to the Scale widget and the Scrolledtreeview widget.
Erstelldatum 19.01.2019
Version 4.20
Dateigröße 154 B
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Windows
Downloads 191
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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