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HD Streamz : Stream live TV, Radio [Mod] HD Streamz : Stream live TV, Radio [Mod] Beliebt

Stream live TV, Radio on your Android device from across the world!
HD Streamz provides 600+ live TV & Radio channels in 19 Countries which are: Bangladesh, INDIA, USA, UK, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, UAE, Qatar, Serbia, Portugal, Romania, ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Myanmar, Canada, South Africa, German E.T.C

We try our best to keep links up to date. If you are unable to stream a link then make sure your internet is OK and that you are able to play stream other links, then report the link to us and we will fix that as soon as possible.

We claim to be one of the best genuine Live TV apps. We hope you will enjoy our services.
We have provided the option to choose from our internal video players to view live streaming in the app. We strongly recommend using a good internet connection for best possible experience.

Main Features:

  • 600+ live channels.
  • live radio streaming.
  • Multiple streaming links for channels so that you can enjoy uninterrupted service even if some link goes down.
  • User friendly app with Material Design UI.

● Ads Removed
● Analytics Disabled
● Force Update Disabled

Erstelldatum 05.04.2019
Änderungsdatum 05.04.2019
Version v3.1.5
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Android
Downloads 266
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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