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APK Multi Tool APK Multi Tool Beliebt

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  • Extract, Zip apk's.
  • Optimize pngs (ignores .9.pngs)
  • Zipalign apks
  • Sign apks
  • Push to specific location on phone
  • Incorporates brut.all's apktool
  • Pull apk from phone into modding environment.
  • Batch optimize apk (Zipalign,optipng,or both)
  • Quick sign an apk (Batch mode supported)
  • Batch Ogg optimization
  • Compression level selector (monitor status above menu)
  • Batch install apk from script (option 16)
  • Logging on/off has been removed. Instead a log.txt is created which logs the activities of the script organized using time/date headers
  • User can change the max java heap size (only use if certain large apks get stuck when decompiling/compiling apks) (Option 19)
  • Improved syntax of questions/answers
  • Error detection. Checks if error occurred anytime u perform a task, and reports it
  • Read log (Option 20)
  • U can now set this script as your default application for apks. When u do, if u double click any apk it will install it for u.
  • Supports batch installation, so if u drag multiple apks into the script (not while its running) it will install them all for u. U can of course drag a single apk as well
  • Added framework dependent decompiling (For non proprietary rom apks). (Option 10). Checks whether the depended apk u selected is correct.
  • Allows multiple projects to be modified, switch to and from.
  • Allows to modify system apk's using apktool but ensures maximum compatibility in terms of signature / manifest.xml
  • Stuff i forgot i guess


  • Place apk in appropriate folder (Any file name will work, if running for first time folders will not be there, you must run and then the folders will be created)
  • Run script
  • Minimize the script
  • Edit files inside the project folder
  • Maximize the script

Decompile Mode Switch decompile mode (Allows you to pick to fully decompile the APK's or JAR's or to just decompile Sources or just the Resources or do a raw dump allowing you to just edit the normal images

Themers Convertion Tools: Before running the themers tool-set make sure when you run the scripts 15 16 17 in this exact order as it is setup as a tool-chain.

To transfer or convert a rom theme pack place the apk files of the theme pack you wish to convert over to your rom in the the Themedapk folder and place the rom files of the same name from the rom you have flashed on your phone in the transferred folder run the scripts take note that depending on your computer specs it can take over a hour to complete



Erstelldatum 19.10.2018
Änderungsdatum 19.10.2018
Version v2.0.0
Dateigröße 10.7 MB
(0 Stimmen)
Erstellt von Super User
System Windows
Downloads 367
Lizenz GNU/GPL external

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